A Stittsville Christmas and New Years (2006)
Santa manages to leave a family gift under the tree every year and 2006 was no exception ... we enjoy our boardgames so we were delighted to find crokinole - or à l'Acadienne - petouche under the tree!!!! What a laugh! After rounds of delight, we settled in front of the fire for the traditional reading of The Night Before Christmas. Tante Juliette gave this pop-up book and tape to Matt and Kyle when they were 1 and 2 years old! How sensitive of them to humour me and still sit through it at the mature age of 19 and 20!! Thanks boys! As you can see from the picture of me sitting on the porch in my Christmas pyjamas, the weather was splendid. After all gifts were opened and breakfast was done, the boys got ready to go to their dad's. The pictures taken of them on the porch proved to be the first of many, many, many pictures of them - and loads of other people - jumping for pictures! Keep watching this spot! Here's to 2007!
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