Crowe's Nest

Saturday, October 28, 2006

2006 Milestone Birthdays

It started on St. Patrick's day with Tom's 80th. An open house was held at home and everyone particpated in the preparations. Tom even ironed the carpet!!!! Some family members traveled in from Toronto and London to make his big day even more special.

In April Shawn hit the big one! He was duly surprised when he walked in from an afternoon of running errands only to find that family and friends had invaded his house! One can only hope that with age comes wisdom and that he will ditch his beloved Toronto Maple Leafs for the up and coming Ottawa Senators!!!!

Then came June and Rosa's 80th! She too was surprised to find us all gathered at Angie's on a fine Saturday afternoon. The setting was beautiful, the food was plentiful and delicious and the laughs never stopped!

Here's to all of you and many, many more birthdays and gatherings!

Lordy Lordy Look Who's 40!!

Rosa's 80th Birthday!

Tom Hits 80!

The Big 50!

Both Mike and I started surprising one another a few months before our birthdays. Little presents, special dinners and getaway weekends. Mike's 50th hit well before mine! He turned 50 in October 2005! The weekend after his birthday, the Lindsay crew came up to surprise him - a great family weekend! In September 2006, the big one hit me too! Of course, our trip to Europe in the spring was our joint celebration but a few months before my 50th, we had a wonderful evening out at restaurant Eighteen in the market with our good friends Joanne and Rick. Our 6 course meal was accompanied by delectable wines, carefully selected to accompany the special dishes the chef prepared for us ... can you see it in the pictures!! I felt like royalty - a limo picked us up at home and returned us safe and sound after a memorable evening. Did we feel like 50 the next morning ... yep!

Mike & JD Turn 50!!!!

Gerry Crowe: 2006 Irishperson of the Year

The family could not have been prouder! Our very own Gerry was honoured in March and named 2006 Irishperson of the Year! He has devoted his life to the education of children and the well-being of the less priviledged! The Toronto Irish Community organized a fundraiser dinner to kick off Irish week 2006 and - no surprise here - Gerry drew the largest crowd ever. Family and friends came from as far away as Ireland to share in this most special day! Thank you Uncle Gerry for all that you are and all that you do!

In Honour of Toronto's Irishperson of 2006