East Coast Tour - Richibouctou 2007
The Crowe's having lived in Cape Breton for a couple of years when Mike was a teenager, we'd been talking for years of taking a trip east together with Tom and Rosa. Well it all came together this summer. This is how it worked out! Depart Ottawa for an overnight stay in Québec City, on to Richibouctou for a 5-day stay at Maxime's followed by a wildwind tour of Sydney and the Myra River. For good measure, we threw in a ferry ride from Cape Breton to PEI with a drive across the world famous PEI bridge on the way home!
The highlight of our week in Richibouctou was spending time with the family, cooking and eating lobster and - of course - partaking in the festivities at Le Pays De La Sagouine for la Fête des Acadiens! One of my favorite days, however, was spending some time with the newest additions to the family - petite Danika and her triplet cousins Simon, Sophie and Chloé. The are little treasures!
And on to Cape Breton. Our first stop was Bedec where we stayed at the Silver Dart Lodge, then on to a great Bed and Breakfast in Sydney. We toured the Minors Museum in Sydneyand Louisbourg, had a great dinner out with Lorne outside Sydney and toured the Crowe's old neighborhood. A quick swing through PEI, an overnight stop in Grand Falls and on home! Wow - 13,000 km in one week! Think next year's trip will have to be for two weeks! Whatever we decide, Maxime's house is booked for the week of La Fête des Acadiens! Je reviens!!
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